Most homes can be fixed for about the same cost as other common home repairs.
owering high radon levels requires technical knowledge and special skills. You should use a contractor who is trained to fix radon problems. A qualified contractor can study the radon problem in your home and help you pick the right treatment method.
Check with your state radon office for names of qualified or state certified radon contractors in your area. You can also contact private radon proficiency programs for lists of privately certified radon professionals in your area. For more information on private radon proficiency programs, visit Picking someone to fix your radon problem is much like choosing a contractor for other home repairs—you may want to get references and more than one estimate.
If you are considering fixing your home’s radon problem yourself, you should first contact your state radon office for guidance and assistance.
You should also test your home again after it is fixed to be sure that radon levels have been reduced. Most soil suction radon reduction systems include a monitor that will indicate whether the system is operating properly. In addition, it’s a good idea to retest your home every two years to be sure radon levels remain low.
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