EPA Recommends the Following Testing Steps:
Step 1. Take a short-term test. If your result is 4 pCi/L or higher, take a follow-
up test (Step 2) to be sure. Step 2. Follow up with either a long-term test or a second short-term test:
For a better understanding of your year-round average radon level, take a long-term test.
If you need results quickly, take a second short-term test.
The higher your initial short-term test result, the more certain you can be that you should take a short-term rather than a long-term follow up test. If your first short-term test result is more than twice EPA’s 4 pCi/L action level, you should take a second short-term test immediately.
Step 3. • If you followed up with a long-term test: Fix your home if your long-term test result is 4 pCi/L or more.
• If you followed up with a second short-term test: The higher your
See related Item: http://